Hopeful Minds Services

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) services offered in Aubrey, TX

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) services offered in Aubrey, TX

If obsessions and compulsions start taking up all of your time and energy, you could have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Ndubuisi Odegai, Princess Riley, DNP, and their team at The Healed Mind Psychiatry in Aubrey, Texas, specialize in helping people overcome the challenges of OCD. Their experienced therapists use advanced techniques to help relieve the anxiety and distress OCD causes. To learn more or request a telehealth consultation, call The Healed Mind Psychiatry in Aubrey, Texas, today or book an appointment by completing the online form.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Q&A

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

OCD is a long-term mental health condition that is closely linked to anxiety. People with OCD experience uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions) and perform repetitive behaviors (compulsions) to try to tame the obsessions.


Obsessions are thoughts, images, or ideas that make you anxious. Anything could become a focus for your obsessions, but they tend to be unpleasant and intrusive.

Some people obsess over germs and have a fear of contamination or infection. Others might be unable to stop thinking about taboo topics like unusual sexual activities or develop ideas of harming themselves or others. Another common obsession is with order and symmetry.


Compulsions are behaviors that someone with OCD feels they must perform. Compulsions usually develop as a coping mechanism for obsessive thoughts. 

For example, someone with a germ obsession might be compelled to wash their hands frequently, for a set number of minutes, and in a particular way.

Compulsions can also be attempts to prevent or manage obsessive thoughts. You might have to open and close a door 10 times before leaving a room or touch every railing in a fence as you walk past.

You feel convinced that failing to perform these rituals will result in some kind of disaster. Being unable to complete them can cause immense distress and panic.

How is obsessive-compulsive disorder diagnosed?

The Healed Mind Psychiatry team diagnoses OCD based on your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. They perform a comprehensive assessment to determine the severity of your OCD and design a suitable treatment plan.

Some people worry they have OCD because they’re particular about how they arrange their belongings or spend a lot of time focusing on one thing. However, most people with these tendencies don’t have OCD.

Those with OCD are likely to find their condition exhausting and may develop distressing and embarrassing physical tics, such as shoulder shrugging and eye movements, or make uncontrollable sounds.

OCD symptoms can also make it difficult to sustain relationships or develop your career.

How do you treat obsessive-compulsive disorder?

The Healed Mind Psychiatry offers several treatments for OCD. These include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
  • Antipsychotic medications
  • Lifestyle changes

The team monitors your progress over time and adjusts your medications if necessary. You can receive your prescriptions and undergo talk therapy using The Healed Mind Psychiatry’s secure telehealth platform.

Call The Healed Mind Psychiatry today to schedule an OCD evaluation, or book an appointment online.